I find that often when I want to make a point about something direct response related I often refer to the work of Gary Halbert or David Ogilvy.
(Take note. If you don’t know these two you are missing …
I find that often when I want to make a point about something direct response related I often refer to the work of Gary Halbert or David Ogilvy.
(Take note. If you don’t know these two you are missing …
Because you are unlikely to see this on television…
…Especially if you live in Canada where it is happening, or in the U.S. where the “news” media ceased to be anything but a propaganda-for-the-highest-bidder service long, long ago.
Reasons to …
It’s was the 1960s.
Americans didn’t “do” diesel cars. (They still don’t, but it was MUCH worse back then.)
Then some idiot back at Mercedes’ German HQ sent shiploads of expensive diesel sedans to the U.S. where they were …
I’ve loved Canada since I took my first trip there as a little kid when my family took a vacation to Expo in Montreal, Quebec.
One of my distant ancestors Gaelic-speaking Florence McCarthy came to the U.S. (Oswego, NY) via …
The greatest Internet marketer ever?
Hint: It wasn’t me.
– Ken McCarthy
P.S. For over 25 years I’ve been sharing the simple but powerful things that matter in business – and life – with my clients.
If you’d like direction …
You may have noticed that in the last several calls on great copywriters and great books on copywriting, I’ve only talked about dead guys.
If you want to be the best, study the best regardless the era they lived …
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