Why is Ken McCarthy one of the highest paid marketing consultants in the world?

I stopped offering the live System Seminar in 2011 for two reasons:

1. After 18 years of being on the cutting edge of the Internet revolution (1993 – 2011), it was clear to me that the meaningful innovation …

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The old timers knew everything

Retired Military intelligence officer Fletcher Prouty was interviewed over twenty years ago.

The interview contains everything you need to know about high profile assassinations and assassination attempts and is better than 99.9% of current analysis.

Long time readers, …

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Crawl, walk, run

Easier for some than others

Click here to order The Other Child

Linda Scotson has been working miracles like this with children for decades now, but because there is no Big Pharma or big ticket surgery payday associated …

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Clarity in the service of decency

The day after Christmas, I intruded on your holiday with a message that I knew was bound to make me some enemies. And indeed, it did. I even lost some long and valued clients over it.

I did it …

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The fruit of hard, focused, and intelligently conceived work

This video is over 14 years old and it wasn’t brand new when I posted it. It’s from a System Seminar.

Today Lloyd’s approach to Internet video advertising is common and widespread. It sure wasn’t when he started. This …

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