The still-underestimated selling power of simple Internet videos

This year is the 20th anniversary of the System Seminar.

We’re slowly going through our archives – they’re vast – to find gems you can use in your business right now.

Are you profiting from Internet video?

Still sitting …

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The masks were a fraud from Day One

I first pointed this out here on July 20, 2020, but some people didn’t get the memo.

I knew this because there’s something called industrial hygiene and people in that field have been studying the mask issue for …

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They’re finally catching up with what we knew in April 2020 – two years ago if you’re counting

The speaker Vinay Prasad is an MD and an MPH. He’s also a practicing physician in the field of hematology-oncology as well as an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco.

He has …

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