So simple, so smart

I was talking with a neighbor about a project he’s doing for me, photographing some paintings I own.

I’ve known of him for a long time, but never had the opportunity to talk in depth with him about his work.

I discovered that in addition to being a top flight artwork photographer, he’s also in high demand among corporate clients. For example, a couple of times a year, Merrill Lynch, the big stock brokerage company, flies him all over the world (to places like Maui, Venice, and Aspen) to take momentos at special “bonus” vacations they gift their top producers with.

It’s a plum gig that any photographer would give his eye teeth for and next year marks his 20th year shooting these special events for Merrill. How does he get and hold onto clients like this in the hyper-competetive world of corporate photography?

“The difference between me and everybody else is I’ve made more mistakes. I don’t make the same mistake twice, but I’ve learned more about what won’t work and what does than anybody else out there – and that’s what’s made me impossible to beat.”

Interesting perspective, huh? Achievement through mistake making.

Are you sitting tentatively on the sidelines afraid to get started in something because you’re not sure how it will turn out?

Get in there and start screwing up. It’s the smartest way to go.

– Ken McCarthy

P.S. For over 25 years I’ve been sharing the simple but powerful things that matter in business with my clients.

If you’d like direction for your business that will work today, tomorrow and twenty years from now, visit us at the System Club.

Coming full circle
Is it real or is it Internet video?

One Response to So simple, so smart

  1. Vickie C. December 10, 2006 at 7:00 pm #

    This is the best advice I’ve heard EVER online and yet also the hardest to put into practice for most, myself included.

    Thanks for reminding me and also for reinforcing the fact that making mistakes are learning opportunities and just that, nothing more.

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