As I write this, a new company called YouTube is downloading 35 MILLION videos per day.
Sequoia Capital, which just advanced them another $8 million, is calling them “the forefront of a cultural shift in digital media entertainment.”
It all …
As I write this, a new company called YouTube is downloading 35 MILLION videos per day.
Sequoia Capital, which just advanced them another $8 million, is calling them “the forefront of a cultural shift in digital media entertainment.”
It all …
I know RSS is a good idea and it very well may be the wave of the future. In fact, you may be reading this via RSS.
That being said, here’s the math from Europe according to Rebecca Jennings of …
As of right now, 14% of the world’s population has access to the Internet.
Name the region that has the largest number of Internet users – and the biggest potential for future growth.
Hint: It’s the same place.
Hollywood fought electronics manufacturers first over the VCR and then over the burnable DVD.
When it comes to the Internet, it looks like they’re finally getting smart…
The Internet changes so fast sometimes, it can kind of sneak up on you.
But don’t blame yourself for this one, I almost slept through it too.
Here’s why we all need a big wake-up call right now…
An important acronym that no one is paying attention to (yet):
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