What products are people searching for and buying online right now?
No need to guess.
What products are people searching for and buying online right now?
No need to guess.
Ready or not, here they come…
Sponsored links on Google that display Internet video.
Search the keyword “olympics” on Google and up comes a NBC-sponsored graphic on the top of the page.
Click on the graphic and you get a …
How up are you on what’s happened in eCommerce in 2005?
1. Which product category generated the biggest dollar amount of online sales during the 2005 holiday season?
2. What search engine is responsible for more than 1 out 10 …
How narrowly focused can the subject of an Internet video be?
To answer this question, we need to go back about one hundred years.
One of the biggest challenges when it comes to taking advantage of a new medium is …
In Episode 1, we looked at how discussion boards give consumers a chance to comment on the difference between the hype used to sell a particular product and what actually comes in the box.
Sometimes spontaneous forum discussions just aren’t …
The Internet can be a consumer’s best friend.
People talk. And on the Internet, they talk in searchable, archived text. It’s a bad faith merchant’s worst nightmare.
Here’s how this works in real life…
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