Quite a day, isn’t it?
Some things you can always count on:
1. Our government and news media will be useless
The only thing the government gets really organized around is selling you out to the highest bidder and coming …
Quite a day, isn’t it?
Some things you can always count on:
1. Our government and news media will be useless
The only thing the government gets really organized around is selling you out to the highest bidder and coming …
There are so few wise people in the world, that when one speaks, I feel the responsibility to share it with you…
…“When you can get advice from a man who has successfully started and grown his own business —
There are so few wise people in the world, that when one speaks, I feel the responsibility to share it with you…
…“As a copywriter who has written and mentored campaigns that have generated in excess of $140+ million in
How to beat the thugs, liars, bullies and con artists who use “social proof” and government and corporate millions to rip off and abuse the public.
Two System trained and advised folks explain how they used System Seminar principles to …
“Bankers get rich by borrowing depositors’ money held in checking accounts at zero interest.”
– Jack Miller
I was talking with a colleague about where to put excess cash and I was reminded of something that I realize many people …
…The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them
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