What ethical doctors are saying about the vaccine

What ethical doctors are saying about the masks, lockdowns and the vaccine.

First, an interview with Roger Hodkinson MD, chairman of the test committee in general pathology at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, which sets the annual pathology board examination for Royal College.

Second, a well researched and thoroughly documented article on the nature of the vaccine written by a local MD I’ve know for twenty years.

But whether you are a doctor or a Ph.D. or not, it should be clear even to an illiterate that this whole thing was set up from Day One to be a massive payday for Pharma which now includes companies like Amazon, Google and, of course, Bill Gates and his various enterprises.

It’s little reported that Google has billions of dollars invested in over one dozen Pharma ventures and that starting this past November Amazon went into head-to-head competition with pharmacies.

So you can see that this sick joke is on us.

Here’s the medicine and science that the news media is doing it’s best to make sure you don’t stumble across PLUS an indication of just how hard the medical politicians are working to make sure you stay ignorant of their crimes.

#1 – Audio interview (excerpt) – System Club member Richard Jacobs interviews Roger Hodkinson MD of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Click here to hear the whole interview with Richard Jacobs

#2 –  Article

Ronald D. Whitmont, M.D.
General Medicine-Homeopathy, P.C.
6250 Route 9
Rhinebeck, New York  12572
Phone:  845-876-6323
Fax:  845-876-2627


Dear Friends, Families and Colleagues!
COVID-19There has been an incredible amount of information published recently on the current COVID-19 pandemic and I have spent months synthesizing as much as possible to present a coherent understanding of this virus. Every day new information appears. What follows is the most up-to-date information I could find. I apologize for the lengthy delay, as many of you have either written or called requesting guidance in this matter.Disclaimer: What follows is an extraction of a much larger paper that I hope to publish soon. This is NOT medical advice, nor it should not be taken as instruction about what to do.

The Bottom Line: I do not recommend either of the two available vaccines at this time, but everyone’s health and susceptibility is different, and each person must make their own decision regarding whether the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks for them, or not. At this stage, the vaccine has not been mandated, but there is a good chance that it will either be mandated, or that the social and societal pressures will become so great that for all intents and purposes it will be the same as a formal legal mandate. Only time will tell.

The COVID-19 pandemic itself is an example of how conventional medicine has insidiously destroyed the microbiome and weakened the immune system of an entire generation, making it more vulnerable to, among other things, a mutated respiratory virus. Not discussed in any forums: conventional treatments created the “perfect storm” of environmental, microbiome and immune system dysfunction that combined to weaken resistance and increase susceptibility to this virus. The “inconvenient truth” about conventional medicine, as important as it is in many conditions and circumstances, is that it is deadly harmful when overused, which is precisely what has been demonstrated by the current pandemic.

The immune system overreaction, aka cytokine storm, is believed to be the final common pathway leading to death from COVID-19, SARS, MERS and many other epidemic infectious diseases. This immune system hyper-reaction is more likely when the microbiome is disrupted (dysbiotic) and the immune system is dysfunctional: both common side effects of conventional medical treatment contributing to the risk of developing chronic inflammatory conditions, the comorbidities of COVID-19.

At least 24% of conventional medicines negatively impact the microbiome[1] leading to chronic dysbiosis and chronic inflammation. A host of chronic inflammatory,[2],[3] autoimmune[4],[5] and neoplastic[6],[7] conditions plague modern societies using these drugs and Americans consume more of them, per capita, than any other country thus imparting the highest burden of chronic inflammatory disease anywhere in the world.[8],[9] Since comorbid chronic inflammatory diseases are risk factors that worsen outcome from COVID-19, and because Americans suffer from more of these conditions, and use more immune suppressing and microbiome damaging medications than the rest of the world, it shouldn’t be surprising that US death rates from SARS-CoV-2 are among the highest.[10] According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA):

“the US has experienced more deaths from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) than any other country and has one of the highest cumulative per capita death rates.[11]

Data from the current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic provides direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is only part of the problem (since 82% of people are already somewhat resistant to it) and that conventional medical treatments are what make a subset of the population more susceptible. Treatments that impair the immune system response and trigger rebound hyper-inflammation and immune cytokine storms are as responsible for complications as the coronavirus itself.[12]

Conventional medical care offers many powerful benefits and holds an important place in the management of many emergent, traumatic and surgical illnesses, but it appears to be largely ineffective and frequently harmful in the long-term management of many acute and chronic illnesses, particularly COVID-19. Interestingly, the COVID-19 pandemic does provide a very unique opportunity to understand some of the limitations of conventional medicine from a public health perspective.

Just like many other modern medical crises (antibiotic resistance, the opioid epidemic, and the epidemic of chronic inflammatory illness) the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be iatrogenic (caused by medicine or physicians). In other words, the current pandemic may be the indirect result of the overutilization of conventional allopathic medical treatments that damage the microbiome, the ecology of the environment and the immune system, resulting in greater susceptibility to this and a great many other illnesses.[13] Many conventional medical treatments increase susceptibility to comorbid conditions, as noted above, allowing the SARS-CoV-2 virus to act much more destructively.

Most of the comorbidities making COVID-19 more deadly are iatrogenic. These chronic inflammatory illnesses are overtly associated with 94% of all COVID deaths,[14] while the remaining deaths, in otherwise “healthy” individuals, are likely related either to a genetic predisposition or the overuse of conventional drugs (i.e., NSAID’s and antipyretics) that are frequently used to manage symptoms of infection but increase the odds of developing adverse events.[15] The overwhelming majority of healthy people (82%) suffer only mild or moderately from COVID-19, or not at all (45%).[16] Healthy young children have essentially a 0% risk of dying from COVID-19, while 93% of college age young adults,[17] 88% of pregnant women, and 96% of prisoners[18] appear to be completely immune, most never even developing symptoms from the virus.

The COVID-19 pandemic is not deadly in spite of conventional care; it appears to be deadly because of it.

Let me repeat that: The COVID-19 pandemic is not deadly in spite of conventional care; it appears to be deadly because of it. Many conventional treatments are associated with a dysfunctional immune-inflammatory response that contributes to a worsened outcome.[19] As late as October 2020, peer-reviewed guidelines in conventional medical journals indicated that “There are no [conventional medical] evidence-based treatments for COVID-19 that are appropriate for use,”[20],[21] but even worse, conventional treatments studied in clinical trials increase the risk of developing complications[22],[23] and the likelihood of dying or suffering from chronic post-COVID sequelae (“long COVID”),[24] which appears to result from “a dysfunctional immune-inflammatory response,”is precisely what conventional medications produce.[25]

The risk of developing an immune system hyperreaction (aka, a “cytokine storm” [26]) and dying from COVID-19 is much greater when conventional drugs are used, or if one already suffers from a chronic inflammatory comorbidity caused by or treated with conventional drugs.[27]

Many conventional medical treatments, which provide short-term symptomatic relief by suppressing the immune mediated inflammatory response, increase the risk of developing rebound uncontrolled hyper-inflammation, which leads toward a cytokine storm. Additionally, these drugs can block the connection between the innate and the adaptive immune systems, thus preventing the smooth transition to permanent adaptive immunity.[28] Further, many of these medications damage the microbiome[29] and dysregulate the immune system thereby increasing susceptibility to COVID-19 and other infections. It is no coincidence that these conventional medical interventions have not only proven to be inefficacious but are associated with an increased risk of death in pandemics.[30]

Many expect that a vaccine will stop COVID-19, but none of the vaccines currently in the pipeline have even been tested to find out if they will prevent infection from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.[31]

“None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.”[32]

Even manufacturers who boast a 90% or greater efficacy rate have not shown a reduction in symptomatic, asymptomatic, severe, or non-severe infections or burden of disease (BOD) since their primary endpoint in phase 3 clinical trials was only to prevent seroconversion. Clinical trials have not been completed, but FDA agreed to provide temporary emergency approval until they are (another 18 months at least.) The clinical trials required by the FDA for emergency approval only required “minimal phase 3 success criteria.”[33] In other words, none of the vaccines were evaluated for risk or severity of illness, only the risk of testing positive for the virus. No determination has yet been made whether these vaccines will prevent illness or transmission, reduce complications or prevent death above or beyond placebo treatment.

Experts at the British Medical Journal (BMJ) raised serious concerns that many cases of illness following vaccination, not testing positive for COVID-19, were excluded from the study, skewing the results in favor of the vaccines, when these may have been serologic negative cases and evidence of vaccine failure.[34]

These vaccines were rushed to market without any form of FDA site inspection,[35] even as widespread reports described the emergence new mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. No clinical trial has addressed whether new mutations will even affect vaccine efficacy or not (perhaps because the true efficacy will not be known until trials are completed in another 18 months). As all viruses mutate, which SARS-CoV-2 has already done many times, and will continue to do, there is a known tendency to become less lethal and more benign with each subsequent adaptation.[36] Viruses are under constant evolutionary pressure, not only to advance from one species to another, but to adapt benignly to their hosts and develop a commensal relationship that increases longevity of both species.

This ability to constantly mutate and adapt increases the risk that vaccines, if they are not produced fast enough, will be obsolete before they can be administered. This is precisely why the Cuban Ministry of Health approved the emergency use of a homeopathic immunization in 2007 against epidemic leptospirosis. Not only was the campaign effective in preventing disease, but the homeopathic product was produced rapidly, safely and inexpensively and was distributed to over 2.5 million people in a short period of time.[37] This type of program is a model of rapid targeting, development and deployment using a safe and effective modality to effectively prevents and treat illness without imposing new risks of harm. It was an example that probably terrified the modern vaccine industry since the product did not utilize advanced technology, could not be patented and did not generate billions of dollars in revenue.

As vaccination against other epidemic diseases, like influenza, has clearly demonstrated: most vaccines don’t work well in the elderly or infirm populations,[38] which is precisely the demographic at highest risk from COVID-19. It is unlikely that vaccines will generate immunity in this population without multiple doses, which may significantly increase the risk of allergic reactions.

Additionally, since 82% of the untreated population is already relatively immune from serious adverse reactions to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the vaccine may not even prevent transmission, it is likely those who are most vulnerable will continue to be so. Even if the vaccine does generate an immune response, no vaccine has ever been associated with durable permanent immunity, or even come close to the long-lasting immunity produced by actual infection, which is “substantial” and durable in the case of COVID-19.[39],[40]

Since immunity from all vaccines inevitably wanes with time, future waves of this and other viruses in a vaccinated population are still likely to be costly and damaging. This phenomenon has already been demonstrated by many current childhood vaccination programs: as the vaccinated population ages and immunity wanes, childhood diseases become more devastating if it is contracted by those who are older.[41] If natural illness and the resulting long-term or permanent immunity is allowed to develop, then protection tends to be more durable.

An important consideration is that the existing program of overusing vaccines to prevent routine infections in the US may be one of the factors already contributing to the excess death rate from COVID-19. The US vaccine schedule is heavier than those in any other country and many of these vaccines are associated with increased risk of chronic illness[42] while others, like the influenza vaccine, are known to increase susceptibility to a wide range of acute infections, including coronaviruses.[43] Interestingly, health care workers are some of the most heavily vaccinated adults in the US, and they appear to be extremely susceptible to complications from the SARS-CoV-2 virus,[44] suggesting a link between vaccination and immune system susceptibility.[45]

All of the vaccines currently approved for use against COVID-19 in the US utilize a relatively new (mRNA) technology designed to provoke protein synthesis by genetically modifying existing cellular machinery in a fashion similar to the way that real viruses act. Preliminary testing of coronavirus vaccines for SARS-CoV infections revealed that both vaccine hypersensitivity reactions as well as adverse histopathologic lung changes can occur in vaccinated individuals, increasing the risk of greater disease severity and death in those who subsequently encountered either the actual virus or a vaccine re-challenge,[46] leading researchers to suggest that:

“Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.”[47]

The COVID-19 vaccines are essentially man-made “Frankenviruses” that use a lipid nanoparticle membrane bound together by a synthetic adjuvant, polyethylene glycol (PEG), a relative of ethylene glycol (the main poisonous ingredient in automobile antifreeze[48]) instead of a phospholipid or protein coat that surrounds most natural viruses:

“The main difference between ethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol is that ethylene glycol has a fixed value for molecular weight whereas polyethylene glycol has no fixed value for molecular weight.”[49]

PEG has never been utilized in a vaccine before, but it is so far, associated with a 24-fold increased risk of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) already seen in many COVID-19 vaccine recipients.[50]
The COVID-19 vaccines, once injected, indiscriminately bind to and “infect” random human cells, hijacking the protein synthesis machinery and forcing then to produce viral proteins until the mRNA is degraded. These vaccines mimic the way actual viruses behave, but unlike natural viruses that bind only to specific receptors in certain cells, these man-made viruses have the potential to take control of any cell including those in the vital organs like the heart, liver, kidneys or eyes, which would then become a target of the immune system. Training the immune system to react to any of these vital tissues could lead to catastrophic long-term side effects that may not be evident until many months or years later.

Since genetic and chemical information is continually traded and shared between virtually all cells within the human organism and the human microbiome as part of a complex messaging system,[51] genetically engineered information can enter this pool with unforeseen, unintentional and unstudied side effects.

Incorporating genetically engineered information into other species of bacteria and viruses in the human microbiome and virome[52] could create a de novo genetic breeding program similar to what is seen when antibiotics select resistant organisms or “super bugs” that share or trade genetic information for resistance. Monkeying with the genome with this heretofore untested and unproven technology may open up an entirely new and unprecedented frontier of medical terrorism by creating new genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) capable of affecting the body in unforeseen ways, entering the microbiome and dispersing freely in the environment. This unregulated trial without adequate safety studies is reminiscent of other failed experiments that have led to other environmental and health disasters. Safety testing is not an area that can or should be skipped or overlooked since these changes can have long lasting ramifications with unknown and unpredictable consequences across the entire ecosystem, not restricted to their intended use. Just like “Silent Spring:”

“We stand now where two roads diverge…The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster.” [53]

No one knows exactly what the long-term effects on the microbiome, the environment or the human immune system will develop from these vaccines because they have been fast-tracked without time to consider either short or long-term safety and efficacy.[54]

Additionally, after spending billions of dollars to rapidly develop several COVID-19 vaccines at “warp speed,” the world is facing an unprecedented ethical dilemma: will otherwise healthy people, at low risk of illness be directly mandated or indirectly pressured to take an unproven, untested medical product that even the US supreme court ruled in 2010 in BRUESEWITZ ET AL. v. WYETH LLC, FKA WYETH, INC., ET AL., to be “unavoidably unsafe”? [55]

Vaccinating otherwise healthy individuals, already at low risk of complications from COVID-19, with an untested, unproven vaccine capable of inducing significant environmental and immune system havoc is inadvisable, unnecessary and reckless. This not only increases risk of exposure to chemicals, toxins, adjuvants,[56] viral and genetic contaminants in the vaccines,[57], [58] but increases the risk of promoting chronic immune stimulation and hyperinflammation,[59] particularly in women who are more susceptible.[60] Mandating this vaccine for everyone, including healthy people, rather than offering it to those at highest risk, would be a mistake, a gross corruption of the democratic process, a violation of the Nuremburg Codes[61] and a flagrant violation and neglect of the principles of “informed consent.”[62]

The COVID-19 pandemic desperately begs to be studied in relation to the long-term effects of using conventional allopathic medicines and vaccines. Failure to heed these connections, or to explore the relationship between what preceded this pandemic and what follows, may mean the difference between environmentally based health and man-made provoked chronic illness. Pandemics may become more prolonged and commonplace as environmental and microbiome destruction, mass extinctions, and climate changes accelerate under this pernicious system.

The vaccine decision is not an easy one. Many scientific and ethical questions remain unaddressed and unanswered.

Thank you!


Ronald D. Whitmont, MD

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[58] Moskowitz R. Vaccines: A Reappraisal. Skyhorse Publishing, New York, 2017.

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– Ken

P.S. For over 25 years I’ve been sharing the simple but powerful things that matter in business – and life – with my clients.

If you’d like direction for your business that will work today, tomorrow, and twenty years from now, make sure you have your own copy of The System Club Letters book.

Posted: January 18, 2021

The "Why"
Reality check
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