Here’s how it works.
Google’s YouTube provides a service that lets people upload videos to their site for free hosting and download. YouTube has a warning on the home page that basically says “don’t post other people’s copyrighted material,” but, …
Here’s how it works.
Google’s YouTube provides a service that lets people upload videos to their site for free hosting and download. YouTube has a warning on the home page that basically says “don’t post other people’s copyrighted material,” but, …
Speak of the devil…
I was doing a Google search (I don’t remember what for) and up came this piece which was kind of a surprise. I remember when it came out in print, but I didn’t think it would …
This idea woke me up Saturday morning sometime before 5 AM.
I say “sometime” because it was dark and I really didn’t want to know what time it was.
I just wanted to go back to sleep, but the thought …
Where does “success” come from?
That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?
Hard work? Stamina? Intelligence? Dilligence?
All these these things are part of the pie, but if I had to put it down to any one thing, it would …
I spent a brief but highly enlightening time working on Wall Street, first providing support to the foreign exchange trading desk at Bankers Trust (the biggest private US dealer in the biggest market in the world) and then at First …
Bob Metcalfe invented Ethernet way back in 1973.
Before that, he worked on ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet.
In addition to being an under-geek, Bob is also a master salesman.
Let me quote something about Bob from Emanuel …
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