I admit it.
I don’t watch much football.
I played basketball and if I’m going to watch a game, that’s what I’m going to watch.
In spite of my disinterest I’ve found an NFL player to admire.
His name is …
I admit it.
I don’t watch much football.
I played basketball and if I’m going to watch a game, that’s what I’m going to watch.
In spite of my disinterest I’ve found an NFL player to admire.
His name is …
A mom in Iran gets her daughters ice cream
The theory is that the Internet connects the world.
Sometimes it does, but mostly it’s just more of the same: baby pictures, cute kittens, last night’s party, pop star gossip etc. …
A 9/11 hero who refused to let himself be called that…
(March 18, 1936 – June 11, 2016)
Bob Lenney was the skipper of the Fire Department of New York fireboat the John J. Harvey.
To fully appreciate what this …
“Tomorrow is not promised…”
Never are these words so poignant as when a good man in the prime of his life is struck down unexpectedly.
You may or may not recognize Fred’s name, but I guarantee you know at …
When I was out in Silicon Valley in the 90s I knew of Bill Campbell and even heard him speak once, but he was so private and modest I had no idea about the scope of his influence.
Here’s the …
Long time System Seminar operations guru, Bettina Mueller “retired” four years ago.
I put “retired” in quotes because like lots of hard working people, the “doing-nothing” image of retirement doesn’t fit how she’s been using her time.
She’s taken a …
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