This is Mark Zuckerberg from a talk he gave in 2013.
Try to forget that he is 21st richest man in the world and that no one in all of history ever got there faster.
If you do that you …
This is Mark Zuckerberg from a talk he gave in 2013.
Try to forget that he is 21st richest man in the world and that no one in all of history ever got there faster.
If you do that you …
If you really know advertising history, you know this ad.
It was run by then up-and-coming ad agency – now a global giant – Young & Rubicam in 1930, 84 years ago.
Young and Rubicam was the ad agency young …
You may not aspire to build a billion dollar company, but you can learn a lot from these guys.
Marc Andreessen – co-inventor of the web browser – interviews Peter Thiel – founder of PayPal and friend of lots …
You think you have marketing problems?
Try making two guitar players, a bass player and a drummer famous in a world where there are at least a million other people doing the same thing.
Yet, some people do it and …
One of the secrets of making progress in business and life is to look for good examples wherever you find them and learn from them.
Not everything worthwhile and useful comes from books, manuals, seminars, podcasts and articles.
Sometimes you …
Amazing video from the System Club archive.
What can you learn from this?
Lesson #1: Invest in Facebook when it’s just some kids coding in a rented house in Palo Alto.
But it you can’t do that, then what?…
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