Author Archive | Ken McCarthy

“Not a single thing the authorities said was true.”

Google/YouTube removed this video.

People, including me, who’ve shared similar information have had their Twitter accounts frozen.

I recommend you invest the time and watch it.

It’s a summary of the findings of a group of professors …

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Science Saturday

Last weekend, hundreds of thousands people came out in cities across Australia, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Israel, Spain, Portugal, and in other countries to protest the lockdowns.

Did you hear about this on the TV news?…

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Amnesia – cured

This video might take awhile to start

This is a follow up to a special webinar I did for grads of my Advanced Copywriting and Info Marketing program

It’s a video I made and posted to YouTube on May …

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The sinister science of scare mongering split tests

I posted this in May of 2020.

In the last year, I’ve made it my business to demolish as many of the CoVid frauds being perpetuated on all of us as I can while they’re still on the launch …

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