A whole copywriting seminar in a single tweet?

I realize that Twitter is a great personal communication tool, but let’s face it: no one ever made money publicly e-mailing back and forth to their friends.

I also know Twitter is good for research and a handy way to see who’s active in a given niche and what they’re up to. But these are support functions, not put money-in-the-bank functions.

So then, how can Twitter become a cash producer?

The Secret

The same way every medium does it: by producing things that people find interesting, useful, entertaining or inspirational.

But, realistically, can you you really say anything worthwhile in just 140 characters?

I didn’t think so until I tried my hand at it.

Here’s what inspired me

At least once a week, I encounter someone who wants to learn or get better at copywriting.

Very often, they’re at the very beginning of their careers and all I can do is recommend a stack of real copywriting books by the giants (Hopkins, Caples, Schwab, Schwartz, Bird etc.) and urge them to read one or more of them.

But I realize that doesn’t help the person right now which is when most people, including me, want when they’re seeking help.

Help is on its way

I’ve thought about this a lot and decided the world needs a copywriting seminar that tells you everything you need to know about copywriting in 140 characters or less.

Much to surprise I was able to create one.

I’m deadly serious.

If you keep these 140 characters in mind you will always know exactly what to focus on when you sit down to write an ad or sales letter. You’ll also never waste another minute on gimmicks or BS advice that doesn’t work.

Sounds impossible, doesn’t it?

I tested this 140 character seminar on two very experienced copywriters and both gave it a double thumbs up.

It’s one of those things that might not seem like much to a beginner, but the more copywriting experience you have, the more you’re realize that the three-step process I lay out is the Holy Grail.

For myself, I’ve been writing ad copy for over 20 years and I’ve found these 140 characters valuable enough to put on an index card and post by my computer.

It may even be as powerful as my “traffic + conversion = profits” formula which has clarified Internet marketing for so many now-successful entrepreneurs, but only time will tell on that one.

So where is this seminar in a tweet?

On Twitter, of course.

Something you can use…in 140 characters or less:



P.S. If you’re not a Twitter user, it’s a snap to register.

You need an e-mail address, a user name and a password and you’re on.

Posting is just like posting to a blog – only 100 times easier.

The interesting part is it allows you to easily follow writers you admire with the single push of button.

And that’s it. 90% of what you need to know about Twitter.


– Ken McCarthy

P.S. For over 25 years I’ve been sharing the simple but powerful things that matter in business with my clients.

If you’d like direction for your business that will work today, tomorrow and twenty years from now, visit us at the System Club.

P.S. This year’s System Seminar will be in Chicago, April 9, 10 and 11.

For more info: The System Seminar


For poetry fans only
How to get big numbers on Twitter (or anything else)

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