Between the corruption of government and religion, I don’t expect too hear much of value coming from the National Prayer Breakfast.
But every now and then a good guy sneaks through the cracks.
You may have heard a brief sound …
Between the corruption of government and religion, I don’t expect too hear much of value coming from the National Prayer Breakfast.
But every now and then a good guy sneaks through the cracks.
You may have heard a brief sound …
This is a hard award to win because the competition is so ferocious, but one American politician has clinched the 2013 award early in the year.
To Deval Patrick, the idiot governor of Massachusetts who by imperial…I mean executive…decree banned …
After hearing numerous bad accounts of the Red Cross from people in New Orleans and watching the shady way they diverted donations after 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina to “other operations”, I vowed never to give money to an organization I …
This is what I’m thinking about most of the time these days:
Also, we brought out the software platform we developed for Post-Irene relief.
The data is not as complete as I’d like it to be, but this remains …
The reporting from New York City has been very poor. The comments from the two gangsters who run the place Andrew Cuomo (governor) and Michael Bloomberg (mayor) offer little more than clueless grandstanding that indicates they are completely out of …
There’s a world of difference between positive thinking and delusion.
Healthy positive thinking says: “Let’s put our energy into productive activity and let’s meet setbacks with equanimity, learn from them, and work to turn them around.”
Delusion says: “I won’t …
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