The old timers knew everything

Retired Military intelligence officer Fletcher Prouty was interviewed over twenty years ago.

The interview contains everything you need to know about high profile assassinations and assassination attempts and is better than 99.9% of current analysis.

Long time readers, or anyone who has been reading this blog since 2020, know I came out early and often calling BS on the mainstream “snooze” media’s efforts to use fear to stampede people into accepting Anthony Fauci as their Lord and personal savior. (All my posts are still on this blog, time-stamped.)

On February 1, 2020, on my Twitter/X channel (frozen in March 2021 and still not unfrozen, though readable), I said the following in just two tweets: 1) the whole thing was a marketing campaign for vaccines, 2) they were going to use the panic as a pretext for trying to develop a corona virus vaccine (something tried before, but never done safely), and 3) they were going to use “more speed than science.”  Done and done.

Since it seems to fall on me to be He-Who-Calls-BS on big things no one is ready to talk about, I recommend you watch the video above if you haven’t already.

The enigma of the motiveless “lone nut” shooter, the possibility of multiple shooters, the inexplicable errors by the Secret Service, ballistics details, the calculating of shooting angles, analysis of the recordings of the gunshots…We’ve been down this road before and not just once.  It’s all important, but it misses the big picture.

How is it that the only person who makes sense on Butler, Pennsylvania and cuts to the chase is a guy who was recorded talking about events like these over twenty years ago?

I know this will seem blazingly obvious, but when trying to make sense of something, it pays to get the insights of people who’ve spent decades (not years or months) in the field you hope to master.  As obvious as this may be, how many people actually do it?

For this reason, this November, I’m bringing together some of the people I admire most –  1) marketing gunslingers who were successful before the Internet was a thing and figured it out, 2) colleagues from the true pioneer days, and 3) some of the people I think are doing the best work today.

If you’d be interested in getting more information about the event, go here: November 5, 2024.

– Ken

P.S. For over 25 years I’ve been sharing the simple but powerful things that matter in business – and life – with my clients.

If you’d like direction for your business that will work today, tomorrow, and twenty years from now, make sure you have your own copy of The System Club Letters book.

Posted: July 21, 2024

Bobby Kennedy, Trump and the System
Crawl, walk, run
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