All about copywriting in just one Tweet

Can you really condense a seminar’s worth of copywriting advice in just 140 characters or less?

Seven marketers took a stab at it. Here’s what they posted to Twitter in the order they posted.

Some good stuff!

“Only 3 things matter in copywriting: The reader starts reading, he keeps reading, he takes the action you want him to. That’s it.”

“Good copy offers relevant benefits with every reason to grasp them; what you miss if you don’t; dispels disbelief and stays in the mind.”

“Copywriting: the art of using words to create first interest, then action.”

“Who Am I, What Do I Have, Why Do You Need It, Here’s How You Can Get It Fast!”

“Get his attention by meeting and stimulating the interests (already on his mind) and meet his desire with an irresistible offer”

“Get clear on what counts, create, wait, edit, test, keep what works, do it again.”

“Copywriting is: Getting attention and keeping it long enough that the reader takes your desired action.”

“Copywriting is conclusively proving that you offer the best solution to the prospect’s problem so they act NOW”

“Copywriting is discovering what people want & showing them how to get it (in print). It’s not “original” but works for me ;0)”

– Ken McCarthy

P.S. For over 25 years I’ve been sharing the simple but powerful things that matter in business with my clients.

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The word of the year for Internet marketers is...
Copywriting made simple

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