A better life starts with what’s in right front of you

A little more than 15 years ago, a young woman named Sabrina Nelson was told by her doctor that she had a fatal illness that had a 40% chance of killing her – painfully – in ten years or less.

And if the illness didn’t kill her, the treatment might.

Not the kind of news a young woman wants to hear.

She and her husband Jeff, a filmaker, embarked on a massive research program to find out what alternatives there were to…death.

Surprisingly, the solution in Sabrina’s case turned out to be pretty simple: get off the Great American Death Diet, the diet that 90% of all Americans eat every day and think nothing.

The illness reversed and has never returned.

Sabrina and Jeff now have three wonderful – and healthy – kids: Miranda, Nina and Willie.

Sabrina and Jeff shared their experience on a little web site VegSource .com which over time has grown to the biggest info clearing house on medically proven healthy eating.

That’s how I discovered them.

My own health was not great. Not bad, but not great.

I was overweight, tired often, and stressed out. I got sick a lot and my energy was all over the place.

I read the material on the Nelson’s web site and watched their film “Processed People” and decided to give this new – too me – approach to eating a try.

Two and half years later, I’m 20 pounds lighter, far more energetic, more resistant to colds and flus, and just all around enjoying life a whole lot more.

The cost?

Just paying attention to what I ate and eating delicious healthy food instead of the junk most Americans think is normal. And I spend LESS on food now, not more.

Two years ago, John Robbins, who helped popularize this better way of eating with his book “Diet for a New America” started a program to bring this knowledge to low income people.

No one needs help and options with their food choices more than people on low incomes – and no one has less access to this help.

The pilot program which ran in Sacramento through a community food bank generated results that exceeded all of our expectations.

If you’re interested in learning more for yourself and perhaps supporting this very worthy project, here’s a video showing the results this way of eating has had for people.

Note – This program, supervised by MDs, is given away  tofamiliesin  need for free:


More about the Earth Save, the organizer of the project:


The Veg Source web site:


Note: I’m a proud member of the Board of the EarthSave foundation.

If you’ve ever been wondering “Gee, how do I thank Ken for all the help he’s given me over the years?” :-), supporting this worthy work would be a good way to do it.

These are good people doing good and important work that has the potential to benefit millions. It might even help you or someone you love.

Here’s the pertinent link: http://www.earthsave.org/mfh_gift.htm

Best wishes to you and yours for a happy, healthy, and holy Holiday Season,

– Ken McCarthy

P.S. For over 25 years I’ve been sharing the simple but powerful things that matter in business with my clients.

If you’d like direction for your business that will work today, tomorrow and twenty years from now, visit us at the System Club.

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5 Responses to A better life starts with what’s in right front of you

  1. Bill Taylor December 23, 2011 at 10:35 am #

    Hi Ken:

    Thanks for this that’s great advice. I have not caught the video yet but I will later today.

    I am glad to hear it is working so well for you and that you are feeling better.

    I ran into VegSource myself about 3 months ago.

    I had read the China Study about 6 months ago when I heard Bill Clinton mention it – great book should be on every Doctors desk.

    I then wanted to read Prevent & Reverse Heart Desease by Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyn Jr and found it was distributed by VegSource so I ordered the book and a DVD version. Both were great and like the China Study a real eye opener.

    Started on the eating method about 2 months ago and since then have dropped 10 pounds without any other changes. I feel a lot better too.

    I am giving my family and staff a copy of each to read too.

    Great advice as usual from you.

    Have a great Christmas and a very Happy New year.


  2. Robin Murray December 23, 2011 at 5:15 pm #

    Hi Ken,

    Thank you for posting this story about how diet affects a person’s health and that there is a better way.

    I read Diet For A New America in 1991 and adopted a vegetarian lifestyle at that point. You mention that “I’m 20 pounds lighter, far more energetic, more resistant to colds and flus, and just all around enjoying life a whole lot more.” This is similar to what I experienced, as well.

    My mom tried out what I was preaching about (I did that a lot in the beginning to get friends and family to convert, too) in the mid ’90s and found that she was healthier, too.

    Earthsave is an incredible organization and I am happy to hear that you are involved with them. Good for you. I was a member of the Canadian group out of Vancouver for many years. They are good people doing good work. I met John Robbins when he came to Vancouver at one point and gave a talk that was very inspirational. Thanks for spreading the word.

    I’ll check out the other website as it sounds great, too.

    Have a Merry Christmas.


  3. Michael g o'toole December 23, 2011 at 10:16 pm #

    Greetings! And thanks! is’t strange that i was just reading about joseph in the bible In Gen41;1- Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dream. Food again The seven years of Plenty and the Seven years of Famine! Is McCarty an irish Name! Are you in America Because your Ansisters left Ireland due to the Patato Famine??? Just a Taught!! Forgive me if I am Wrong!!! Food is becoming expensive again!!! God Bless and A Happy Chrismas and a Healty new Year To you ant the Family and the Staff!!! michael g otoole

  4. Michael g o'toole December 23, 2011 at 10:19 pm #

    Oh! Sorry! I speeled Your nAme wrong!!! It Should be McCarthy! of cource!!! michael

  5. Alan Sawyer December 25, 2011 at 12:25 pm #

    “Great American Death Diet” is sadly not just American and it’s amazing how Governements who want us to work longer and retire later do a big fat zero towards helping our health and longevity through diet and exercise.

    Instead we’re surrounded by cheap nasty packaged products when what we need is plain simple food. Thanks for sharing and great to see that your approach to health is as simple, effective and true as your approach to marketing – thanks Ken, have a merry Christmas and Happy 2012!

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