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  The Man Time Magazine Recognizes
As The Founding Father
Of Online Advertising
Reveals His Secret Copywriting Formula
For Building 6-, 7-, And Even 8-Figure
Info-Marketing Businesses…

From Scratch!

Dear Friend,

If you want to learn how to write sales copy people love to read and buy from… and then be able to use that skill to potentially grow your info marketing business into a six or seven figure (or greater) company over time, then this letter will show you how.

Here’s the story:

Many years ago, I met a copywriter & info marketer named Ken McCarthy, who is the literal “founding father” of online advertising as we know it — with even Time Magazine admitting his early discoveries (on click metrics) became the foundation for what built today’s biggest online advertising companies, like Google & other tech giants.

Ken’s not a “big name” copywriter, though.

And certainly nobody has ever accused him of being a copywriting “guru.”

Yet, despite being a secret to 90+% of today’s copywriting industry…

Many Of The World’s
Most Influential Copywriters & Marketers
Routinely Send Him “Fan Mail”
About His Ad Copy!

For example:

His copy has been raved about by A-list copywriters like Gary Bencivenga (universally considered the world’s greatest living copywriter) & direct marketing legends like the late Marty Edelston (who hired many of the best copywriters in history to help build his $100+ million direct mail empire). World-class marketing genius Dan Kennedy has used samples of Ken’s sales copy for years in his own teachings & seminars — including in his best-selling book, The Ultimate Sales Letter.” And when Agora Publishing needed someone to teach the first (and most important) lesson of their advanced copywriting program, the first two people they called were the great Jay Abraham…and Ken. Plus, to give you an idea of how potent his methods are: Just one of Ken’s sales letters raked in over $10 million dollars ($1,000 per word ) — and actually closer to $20 million in today’s money — before he retired the offer.

But here’s what makes Ken different from the glut of copywriting gurus today:

He’s not just a “copywriter.”

And he doesn’t just teach “copywriting.”

No, where he shines is in teaching even people with zero copywriting or info marketing skills whatsoever how to (1) write irresistibly persuasive ad copy without needing to be a naturally “great” copywriter, and then (2) use that copy to potentially…

Create 6-, 7-, & Possibly Even 8-Figure
Info Marketing Businesses From Scratch.

Frankly, I’m living proof of this.

When Ken found me, I was a moderately successful copywriter, and a complete failure as an info marketer. But after learning Ken’s off-the-wall ways, it did not take long to start winning as a freelancer in the internet’s most competitive niches (like weight loss, golf, self-defense, MLM, and biz opp…), while also starting to build what has since become my own 7-figure (and growing) info marketing business. A lot of it was a direct result of what Ken taught me, based on his 4+ decades of experience building his own info businesses & writing his own sales copy — as well as his years studying advanced neuro-science at Princeton University and while competing in Wall Street, Hollywood, and the “cut throat” music business. (Where, for instance, Ken’s copywriting & marketing methods helped multi-grammy nominee Jazz guitarist Stanley Jordan begin his rise to fame.)

I won’t say it was all “super fast & easy!!!” applying Ken’s ways.

Like any valuable skill worth learning, it takes time & hard work.

But, it is simple. Which is why I believe almost anyone else can also use his methods to write their own money-making ads & start building their own fast-growing info business relatively quickly.

In fact, if you’re willing to invest the time & money…

You Can Begin Learning
This Rare & Valuable Skill From Ken
In The Next Few Minutes, If You Want.

Here’s how:

Almost 20 years ago, (in a closed-door conference in Miami) Ken taught a small group of his best students all his ways for writing ad copy, and then using that copy to build their own million dollar info-marketing businesses. This conference revealed everything he had to say on the subject: From writing sales copy, daily email follow up, & marketplace domination… to creating info businesses from scratch, inventing a persona people want to give money to, & building communities (Ken was creating online communities via his lists a full decade before social media was even a brain fart)… to list management, the mysterious “inner game” of running info-businesses, and his sometimes spooky psychological insights for acquiring raving fans who eagerly want to buy from you for years & decades into the future.

Anyway, Ken audio taped the conference which is now a 12+ hour course called

“Advanced Copywriting
For Serious Info Marketers”

But before you even think of getting it, realize two things:

First, it’s expensive & not at-all “sexy. It has none of the “hacks” or sales choke-holds amateurs love chasing. Instead, it’s the raw fundamentals used & mastered by all of history’s top copywriters, mixed with Ken’s decades of experience writing copy & building his own info businesses. And secondly, there’s no money-back guarantee. As Ken would say: “Harvard doesn’t offer guarantees, either. This is for grownups.”

So I don’t recommend going off all half-cocked and buying it on impulse.

To help you decide if it’s something you really do want, here’s what’s inside:

  • A secret way (almost nobody uses) to legally and ethically make magic pill” claims in your ads!
  • How to use an ordinary water cooler to “pre-test” the response-power of your headlines.
  • Two proven cures” for writers block. (The first one is simply doing a lot of research. The second one is much easier…and can be found at your corner grocery store.)
  • The amazing “wealth attraction” secret of two ex-communist military-trained killers! (This is THE big secret behind Ken’s 8-figure “System Seminar” business.  And it can work even if you have no clue how to market, sell or advertise.)
  • How to get people to instantly stop & read your email pitches — even if you have a weak subject line!
  • How to get binders full of glowing customer testimonials without resorting to “shameless bribes” or begging.
  • Why personalizing your emails with your prospect’s name can hurt your response. (And the faster and easier thing you can do instead.)
  • How to stick out like a sore thumb in even the most hyper-competitive and over-saturated markets!
  • The exact place to put your order link in an email to get the hottest, most qualified prospects to respond.
  • How to use a journalist’s “hidden guilt” (every reporter has) to get your product raved about in the mass media.
  • The incredible joint venture secret Ken used to quickly build a million-dollar business…without even selling anything!

Speaking of joint ventures:

Ken was the first person ever to interview Gary Bencivenga (the world’s greatest living copywriter), and he routinely deals with the biggest names in business and marketing.

How does he do it?

It’s simple:

He has discovered a simple way to…

Potentially Meet & Joint Venture With
Almost Anyone In The World.

And I really do mean anyone.

In fact, Ken watched his cousin use this secret to do business with the Queen of England. Plus, it’s so simple it can probably work for almost anyone who uses it. No special contacts, friends in high places, or “million dollar rolodex” necessary.

And guess what?

Before this seminar, Ken never revealed this secret to anyone else — not even his closest friends.

  • When purposely writing a weak headline can massively increase your response!
  • How to create emotional memories” of your product and business so people always remember who you are and what you sell.
  • A simple auto-responder secret (often used in “Dear Abby” columns) a few, very savvy marketers have used to conquer their niches very quickly.
  • An extremely effective sales letter close (discovered by Dan Kennedy) that can sometimes whip even wishy-washy people on the fence” about ordering into a virtual buying frenzy.
  • How to use the “left over” headlines and bullet points (you can’t use in your ad) to drive more traffic to your products, websites, and business.
  • How to sell products and services in your emails…without even sending anyone to a sales pitch!
  • An incredibly simple copywriting secret (Ken discovered while watching a paranoid schizophrenic) that can make researching your ads ten times faster and easier.
  • How to use simple cartoons to explode your sales…no matter what you sell or who you sell to. (For example, you’d be amazed at how easily a picture of a phone operator with her headset on can sometimes jack up your response!)
  • Why starting the name of your business with the letter “A” can sometimes drive your sales through the roof…even if you do nothing but wait for the phone to ring!
  • An enormously profitable sales method (discovered in a popular William Shakespeare play) that can make your customers willing to move heaven and earth to order your product…

And Sometimes Even If
They Didn’t Originally Want It!

That may sound impossible, yet it’s not only 100% real, but if you’re not using this simple secret in your ads…then you’re almost certainly leaving a TON of money on the table.

By the way, I took notes like a madman during this.

And if you want to know what some of these secrets are and how they work – simply fill in your name and email address below and I’ll happily send them to you.

Learn Some Of The Best-Kept Copywriting
Secrets Ever Invented, Free.

These are the notes I took from my talk with this copywriting genius. Fill in your name and email address below and I will happily send them to you, free.

You have Successfully Subscribed!

Here’s more:

  • How to use your accountant to dramatically increase your sales without paying a penny for his “help”
  • How to nurture” your customer list without sending them even one letter or email.
  • A sneaky way to use your local telephone company to double the power and urgency of your deadlines!
  • A secret way to use your prospects’ natural bad memory to boost the response and sales of your ads.
  • A simple direct mail secret (almost nobody talks about) that can instantly explode the sales of your email
  • How to get your competition to help you sell your products and services…without them even knowing about it!
  • An ordinary punctuation mark that’s probably killing your response right now…whether you realize it or not.
  • A bizarre way to use your mission statement” to increase your sales even if nobody reads it.
  • How to eliminate prostate problems without taking off your pants? (This has nothing to do with copywriting…but millions of guys have this problem, and it’s discussed in this seminar.)
  • An old (but still effective) way to sell your products and services in your ads with just one word.
  • An exclusive look at a simple copywriting skill so powerful that, when you learn it…

You’ll Probably Never Worry About
Writing Copy Again!

Ken picked this tip up while corresponding with the legendary copywriter Eugene Schwartz. Most copywriters (even those who charge a small fortune to write a single ad) don’t really understand it. And the few that do almost never explain exactly how it’s done.

  • How to quickly test multiple different versions of your online sales letters without spending a lot of money or even needing to be “computer literate.”
  • How to get your prospects to order RIGHT NOW…without using phony “must order by midnight” deadlines or other dorky gimmicks that leave a bad taste in peoples’ mouths.
  • Little-known order form secrets that can as much as double your response in the next five minutes.
  • The ingenious selling tactic John Wayne used to become one of the most famous movie stars in history. (Believe it or not, Ken paid for his house — with cash — using this one secret alone!)
  • A simple way of knowing exactly which names on your email list will respond to a direct mail offer.
  • How to make your strongest claims even more powerful…by toning them down.
  • The incredible copywriting secret found in the Holy Bible that helped one famous copywriter sell hundreds of millions of dollars of books by mail order.
  • The “TV Guide” secret (used by Hollywood moguls and Wall Street money wizards) that lets you accurately guess the profit potential of your ideas before spending any time and money on them.
  • How to use boiling anger to sell dull products and services!
  • How to use music to get new business in your door…no matter what you sell.
  • An extremely powerful way (used by 7-Up and Apple Computer) that can sometimes get people to revolt from your competition — and flock directly to you, your business, and your products!
  • How to use direct mail to dramatically beef up the response of your email promotions…without even mailing any letters.

There’s more, including:

How a little-known FTC law might be able to make you even more sales…How to make your product automatically go “viral”…A secret way to sell your products so you can have almost zero refunds…And a simple, “fool proof” method (recently discovered by a Harvard psychologist) of instantly knowing which teacher, “guru”, client, or joint venture partner…

Intends To Screw
You Over!

You probably won’t find this “hot potato” info anywhere else.

And yet, it can potentially save you tens of thousands of dollars and put your mind completely at ease when doing joint ventures, outsourcing, hiring, freelancing, and engaging in other kinds of business deals — even if done by phone, email, social media, and probably even text messaging.

Bottom line:

There’s information in this course you can’t learn anywhere else without writing ads & running info businesses for decades, as well as reading and absorbing the wisdom of hundreds (if not thousands) of books on selling, copywriting, psychology, business-building, and even neurology. When you write copy & build your info business “Ken’s way”, you can start to create a name and business your customers wrap their identities around, coming to you over and over again — happily giving you their money for years in the future if you do it right.

Frankly, a lot of the persuasion & influence methods Ken teaches are so potent…

They’re Sometimes
Used By Cults.

But they’re like fire — they can be used for good or evil.

And when used ethically for your products and services, I believe you can make your business and relationships with your customers as ironclad as possible.


Even though this conference was held many years ago, the principles are all completely “evergreen”, and arguably work even better today than when Ken taught the conference. Plus, because Ken is first and foremost an educator (one of his first businesses was showing people how to learn more efficiently), a lot of it is so easy to follow and simple to use…

People Were Scrambling
To Make Real Time” Changes
To Their Website Copy & Business Plans
During The Breaks.

So what does this course cost?

The people who were allowed to attend this seminar paid $2,995.00 for a seat (over $4,000.00 in today’s money) — plus food, lodging, and airfare. And when Ken first decided to offer this course outside of his private list and clients, he jacked it up to the same price people paid to attend. But for now, you can get the entire 3-day seminar delivered online via 13 audio lessons, a workbook, and a pile of additional “unadvertised” goodies.

And don’t forget, there are no refunds on this course, and…

All Sales Are Final.

This is not something you buy casually.

It takes time, work, and thinking to learn & apply Ken’s methods. It’s not meant to dazzle you with cheap tricks & nonsense. It’s meant to teach you the “meat & potatoes” fundamentals of writing professional grade sales copy, and then be able to turn that skill into a 6 or 7 figures & beyond info marketing business.

If you’re sure that’s what you want, then click this button for instant access:

Your Pal,

Ben Settle

P.S.  One more thing:

Over the years, Ken has been stockpiling rare, exclusive copywriting content – you cannot find anywhere else, for any price – with some of the greatest copywriting & marketing minds in recent history.

Like, for example:

  • The “Dueling Guru” tapes – from when the now half a billion dollar company Agora flew Ken and Gary Halbert into their offices to teach their staff their sometimes sneaky ways for ratcheting up sales and response.
  • The filmmakers who created The Blair Witch Project – a hard-to-watch, grainy, and completely “unprofessional” movie that should have failed miserably by today’s standards. But ended up becoming arguably the single most profitable movie ever created (per capita when calculating money invested vs the enormous box office gross), and very much because of the secret marketing methods used to promote it.
  • The genius marketers who created the Ginsu Knife commercials – that became the “template” for nearly every successful advertisement created since the 80’s in the multi-billion dollar informercial industry.
  • The greatest social media expert you’ve never heard of – a man who has been leveraging Facebook and social media since 2005 to make literal fortunes for his clients and himself, but who you have not heard of because he doesn’t put himself out there as a “guru” in livestreams or crow about his accomplishments.
  • A nearly 3-hour long interview with the great Gary Bencivenga – the man universally regarded as the world’s greatest living copywriter.
  • The late, great Gary Halbert’s System Seminar talk in 2003 – considered by several players in the direct response world who saw it as the greatest copywriting training ever given (the only people who have ever seen it are those who were there in the flesh to watch over 17 years ago).
  • And half a dozen more trainings like these – locked away in Ken’s System Club vault, and that nobody else except members of his prestigious club have ever seen.

But, a warning:

As you will hear in the seminar, one of the many things Ken does to goose up response and prevent procrastination is to mirror how the retail industry “rotates” offers, by changing up bonuses, prices, incentives, etc.

That means, this slew of rare bonus content could vanish tomorrow.

Maybe even tonight, for all I know.

To make sure you get this bonus, click the button immediately:

What Copywriting Pros & Marketing Masters
Are Saying About Ken McCarthy


Some Of The Best Copy I’ve Ever Seen”

“I have to tell you, as one copywriter to another, that the copy you’ve been turning out for The System is some of the best I’ve ever seen. It triggers great desire, with just the right mix of benefits and explanation of the ‘how to’ behind them.”

– Gary Bencivenga, Universally acknowledged
as the world’s greatest living direct response copywriter

Included Examples Of His Ad Writing In
My Books And Courses”

“I’ve been so impressed with Ken’s mastery of marketing that I’ve included examples of his ad writing in my books and courses.”

– Dan Kennedy,
world famous marketing teacher,
copywriter and speaker

Inspiring And Informative”

“Having bought and read just about everything under the sun on copywriting (and having contributed a few pages to the glut myself), it’s not often I come across something on the subject I find as inspiring and informative as your writing.”

– David Deutsch,
world-class freelance copywriter
with million dollar controls
for Boardroom, Phillips Publishing,
Rodale and other major league mailers

Entrepreneurs Are Missing The Right Copywriting
Approach Because They Don’t Know This Exists”

“There’s no doubt that a lot of entrepreneurs are missing the copywriting approach that would work best simply because they don’t know (your course) exists.”

– Perry Marshall,
Google AdWords Expert

“A Whole Bunch Of ‘Gems’ I Had Never
Learned From Anyone”

“I buy just about every book and course on copywriting I can find. In fact, I’ve still got a few copywriting courses in my ‘to be read’ stack. But when Ken McCarthy’s copywriting course arrived, I tore right into it. There were a whole bunch of ‘gems’ I had never learned from anyone. Many of the lessons were priceless. I wish I would have known some of this stuff years ago.  It would have saved me a lot of wasted time and money.”

-Dan Gallapoo

“Great Copy!”

– The Late Marty Edelston,
founder of Boardroom, INC
(in response to an email pitch Ken wrote)

Now Some Of The Biggest Name Marketers On The Internet
Want To Know What My Secret Is”

“After using the ideas and tactics from your copywriting seminar I became a top affiliate for a major product launch (with a list size of only 1300, while other affiliates had lists ten times the size), and now some of the biggest name marketers on the Internet want to interview me and see what my “secret” is.

– Brian T. Edmondson

I Feel Privileged To Be One Of The First
To Hear Of This”

“Ken, without question, your new method of copywriting is the most significant advancement in sales copy training in the last decade…bar none! I feel so privileged to be one of the first to hear of this – and urge serious marketers to sign-up to your next seminar – they’ll be richly rewarded.”

-Geoff Carter

Like Nothing Else Out There”

“I wanted to say how much I enjoyed your copywriting course. The content really was like nothing else out there on the subject of copywriting. Your methods make a more than welcome change to the ever-present hyperbole ridden stuff that pervades much of the Internet today. Thanks again, I know your way is the future for copywriting.”

-Duncan MacIntyre

My Mind Is Way More Relaxed Now
When I Write Copy”

“Ken, since attending your copywriting seminar sales from my copy have shot through the roof.  Even better: My mind is way more relaxed now when I write copy — which is worth even more than the money to me.”

– Plato Rosinke

Nothing Even Comes Close”

“I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours learning ‘copywriting’ from people like (names removed), and nothing even comes close to what I have learned in just the first 4 CD’s of Ken’s course.”

– Dr. Jamie Fettig, ND

My Sales Conversion Instantly Doubled”

“I implemented just one of Ken’s suggestions in my copy and my sales conversion INSTANTLY DOUBLED from 1.9% to 3.8% in a split-test.  And that was only the first of his ideas I tested.”

-Matt Clarkson, UK

“Puts The Other [Copywriting Courses] To Shame

“I have quite a few courses on copy – and your course puts the others to shame. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve listened to the CD’s and each time I pick up something new.”

– Rogerio Jorge Caridade, UK.

“Absolutely One Of The Best”

“I have been reading Ken’s writings for about two years. Compared to others in the copywriting field I think he is absolutely one of the best.”

– Raymond Atkins

“In A Class Of His Own”

“I’ve attended a couple of Ken’s System seminars…and I have to say he’s in a class of his own. Not only that, he’s a world-class copywriter. I truly enjoy reading ALL his emails and promotions.”

– Tony Ostian,
professional copywriter

Added The Most Value Of Any Speaker”

“My husband Tom and I are on the Gene Schwartz calls.  So far, you’ve added the most value of any speaker, by a factor of 10!”

– Pam Dodd, Professional writer

Hands On Tuition”

“I have used other copywriting teaching materials in the past (books, courses, audio programs) but I have never had the ‘hands on’ tuition that Ken McCarthy provides at his seminars.”

– Bernard Howes, UK

“Surpassed Our Original Goal Of $100,000”

“I wrote to Ken to ask for advice on how to raise money for an orphanage on the verge of closing its doors due to a financial crisis.  A few days later, a letter arrived from him.  We mailed his letter without changing a word and within a few days surpassed our original goal of $100,000.”

– Deborah Solomon,
Fundraising consultant to
The Pikler/Loczy Fund USA

I No Longer Get Writer’s Block”

“I attended Ken’s copywriting seminar almost a year ago, and I can say without hesitation that it was a more profound and useful workshop than any other I’ve ever attended.  Copywriting is no longer the ‘hit-or-miss’ task it was before and I no longer get writer’s block.”

– Howie Jacobson, PhD, NC

Instantly Improved My Response Rate By 42%”

“One minute – literally one minute – after talking to Ken McCarthy and 282 words (I counted them), he shared some advice with me that instantly improved my response rate 42%.  All from just 282 words of advice.”

– Dr. Max Vogt.

“Cuts Like A Laser Through The Copywriting
Hype And Mumbo Jumbo”

“Your course cuts like a laser through the copywriting hype and mumbo jumbo that fogs the Internet. What I find most remarkable is the way you draw together all these disparate ideas– from the fields of marketing, strategy and psychology-into a systematic and clearly structured process that should allow almost anyone to create effective copy.”

-Fergal Byrne, journalist

Get your hands on this course today by clicking the button below…





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Learn Some Of The Best-Kept Copywriting
Secrets Ever Invented, Free.

These are the notes I took from my talk with this copywriting genius. Fill in your name and email address below and I will happily send them to you, free.

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