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Ken McCarthy’s Advanced Copywriting

& Info Marketing Online Course – Bonus Section


There’s a phrase in the entertainment industry that describes a performance that’s technically correct, but lacking in fire: “He phoned it in.”

That’s how a lot of the copy I’m seeing these days reads. Phoned in. Technically correct but lackluster.

Fire is not something achieved with screaming headlines, exclamation points, or lifetime guarantees. Those things are, at best, props.   Fire comes from being so excited about what your product does for people that you’re afraid you’ll burst if you don’t tell them about it. Not saying you feel this way.  Really feeling this way.

Guess who the most likely person on earth is to write copy about your product that has real fire in it?

YOU… and it’s a lot easier for you to learn how to organize your customer and product knowledge into a compelling sales letter than it is to find, educate and motivate an outside writer to do it for you.  

It took me a lot of time, money and effort to figure this out. Here’s hoping you learn from my experience.

Bonus #1

Direct Sources – “It’s best to drink the water upstream”

Bonus #3

Ken’s short list of top copywriters whose work is worth careful study

Bonus #2

Ken’s short list of top periodicals worth regular review

Bonus #4

Ken’s short list of top DM and copywriting books